The Bonus Fingers

Chinese Program
We include a short course on basic Chinese as a response to the demand for multilingual children and to expose our children to an entirely unique culture that is existent in the country.  China is becoming more technologically advanced and more relevant as a trading partner for many countries.  With a population of 1.2 billion, it also has the biggest population on earth.  Knowledge of Chinese is becoming constantly vital in the global economy.  Many businesses in thePhilippines depend on contacts and connections with Chinese manufacturers and facilities.  It is a benefit to employers to hire employees with Chinese-language skills. In today’s world, being able to communicate effectively with Chinese people to expand and create global relations is important.
For children, learning Chinese is beneficial whether it is done for fun or for career potential in the future.  The Chinese program will be drawn by our Languages Directress, Ayleen Keng.

Intensive Reading Program
EMI hopes to produce highly literate graduates who are not afraid to open books of different levels and genres.  We want to produce children who are book lovers, authors and those with limitless imagination.   

Some parents think that their child's reading program starts when their child heads to school. Unfortunately, those parents who wait until their child is of school-age to work on reading are putting him at a disadvantage. From infancy on, the earlier a child is exposed to reading, the greater benefit he will have when he goes to school.  

When a child completes a reading program at an early age, she may not be able to sound out words and read proficiently. As she is read to, letters should be pointed and sounded  out.   The child then begins to understand the sounds of letters, how a story is put together, and identify rhyming and repetitive patterns. This will serve her well in the future, as she begins to read and recognizes those patterns. It will eventually help her to read and understand material. 

A simple story as part of an early childhood reading program may delight and captivate its audience. Children who are exposed to reading early in life will learn better reading comprehension, says Dorothy S. Strickland, Ph.D. Children who practice reading or are read to at an early age have the distinct advantage of proficient reading comprehension.

The words of a book are often new and confusing to a child in a reading program. But once she hears the words and understands what they mean, she will become more comfortable using them in her daily life. Reading stories about relationships and communications teaches her what words to use for different situations. For instance, books about saying "hello," "goodbye" and "sorry" help her to hone her own communication skills.

Teaching a child how to learn early in life will set him up for efficiency in learning. Starting the child on an early childhood reading program gives him the tools necessary to instill a lifelong love of learning. 

An early childhood reading program will involve a certain amount of self-control and discipline for a small child. This serves as good practice for the schedule and discipline necessary for school. With the right amount of reading and teaching, school will be less of a shock to her than to a child who has not been exposed to any type of structured learning and reading programs.
Creative Child Program
Unlike in other schools where the arts take the backseat, at EMI, children are highly encouraged to explore their creative side.  We believe that creativity is the highest form of intelligence.  It is not only a means to express one's self but a way to train critical and divergent thinking by enabling our students to open their minds, think of the many possibilities and speak as many different languages they can. Unlike other schools, our Music, Arts and Movement classes will be done twice a week.

Graduate Support
A support system for our adult children to renew, relearn (and maybe even unlearn), the most important lessons in life. Kindergarten provides the foundation of our education and the fundamental and core essences that make competent, capable, intelligent and socially-oriented human beings.
We are to invite our adult children, share what they have become and maybe find solutions to their problems by hearing what our present children has to say.

Readiness for Inclusion
As much as we would like to open our school and make it an inclusive setting, we lack the manpower and support to successfully offer this feature.  However, as learners ourselves, we are presently weighing our capacity to open our school by training ourselves in special education and finding support from families, the medical society and the foundation that we belong, in order to carry out this feature. 

Outreach Program
The school is partnering with some programs of the Community Chest Foundation.  We shall be coordinating with them and play a special role in these programs.  We shall also be sponsoring our own outreach program that will include the following events situated at the different times of the year: Day with the children, Christmas Program and Book Month.  For the Day with the children, we shall be inviting groups of streetchildren for feeding, grocery giving and sharing of food and clothing.  For the Christmas program, we shall be preparing a program and invite streetchildren and special children to be our audience and be part of the party afterwards.  For the Book Month, we shall be opening our doors for book reading, puppet shows and shadow plays with streetchildren as our audience and guests.   

EMI Discovery Program
We shall be inviting three (3) parents to spend 3 days with us to have the ultimate EMI experience wherein we shall be sharing the various programs, learning, learning paths and highlights of our curriculum for them to see how learning takes place, the effectiveness of our curriculum design and maybe help us perfect our design.

Teacher Training Program 
This is where we help our teachers renew themselves by undergoing training and seminars that are of interest to them.  This will ensure that our methods and strategies are updated and that the school is not behind in terms of facilities, research and books.       

Penpal Program
We shall be partnering with schools abroad to expose our children with other cultures by setting up a penpal program where our children can send letters, pictures and other works to other children of other countries.  One partner is Koganet or the Tatsumi English Club in Japan, which is an English Book Club headed by Tatsumi Hatsuyo.        

Plant A Seed, Help A Friend Program
We shall be partnering with the Bureau of Plant and Industries to help our children be exposed to planting and harvesting.  In this program, we shall teach our children how to take care of plants, harvest them and sell them.  
We shall also be partnering with Animal Shelters.  We would be adopting an animal to have as our friend for the year and help nurse that animal back into good health.  At the end of which, we shall also be looking for the best permanent home for that animal.